Higher education has provided New England with an economic advantage, as the region without strong natural resource advantages has relied on its higher education institutions (HEIs) and brainpower. A higher education-based economic advantage has enabled the region to develop strong well-paying technology and knowledge-based industries tied to New England’s academic research and development (R&am...
Tweeting is getting a bad name under President Trump. But let me implore you to pay attention to NEBHE’s Twitter feed @nebhe. You won't see any posts at 2:30 a.m. But it’s about the closest thing we have to a news service on New England higher education and the many areas it affects. In that way, it reminds me of why NEJHE was once called Connection. It was a bit too generic a name, but it nic...
The Commission on Higher Education & Employability (Commission) held its opening event at the Rhode Island State House on Wednesday, April 12. The Commission is a collaboration of the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) and Gov. Gina M. Raimondo of Rhode Island, who is serving as chair. The Commission membership includes business leaders, college presidents, chancellors, state ...
Rhode Island Gov. Gina M. Raimondo joined the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) to announce the creation of a new regional Commission on Higher Education & Employability, designed to work with the private sector to improve the career readiness of New England college and university graduates.
Raimondo will serve as the Commission’s chair.
“When the private and public s...