When you’ve seen one consortium, you’ve seen one consortium.
That was a guiding quip at the Northeast Regional meeting of the Association for Collaborative Leadership held last Friday at Five Colleges Inc. in Amherst, Mass.
Some of the collaborations are geared to group purchasing, some to expanding offerings through cross-registration and others to enriching town-gown relations. Many want to achieve efficiencies to cut costs and pass the savings on to students, but few want to see the savings come at the cost of colleagues’ jobs. NEJHE offered to be an outlet for shared information from the consortia, including an evolving list of such entities and links to their work on NEBHE’s website.

The Northeast Regional meeting of the Association for Collaborative Leadership in Amherst. Standing left to right: Thomas R. Horgan, President and CEO, New Hampshire College & University; Stephanie Lesperance, Associate Director, New Hampshire College & University Council; Judith Silvia, Executive Director, Partnership for Collaboration & Efficiencies; Claire Ramsbottom, Executive Director, Colleges of the Fenway, and President, Association for Collaborative Leadership; John O. Harney, Executive Editor, The New England Journal of Higher Education; Elizabeth Ancarana, Assistant Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity, New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium/Harvard University; Charles Desmond, Senior Fellow, NEBHE; Jessica McCarthy, Administrative Assistant, Babson/Olin/Wellesley Three College Collaboration; Ruth Molina, Director, New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium/Harvard University; Phillip DiChiara, Managing Director, The Boston Consortium; Neal Abraham, Executive Director, Five Colleges Inc. Sitting left to right: Barbara Lucey, Treasurer, Five Colleges Inc.; Jeanine Belcastro Went, Executive Director, Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts; Betty Ann Learned, Assistant Executive Director, Partnership for Collaboration & Efficiencies; Susan Stitely, President, Association of Vermont Independent Colleges; Deborah Pepper, Director of Operations and Collaborative Services, Colleges of the Fenway.