Posts Categorized: Topic

A Chance at Life: The Value of Legislative Action and Institutional Leadership for DACA Students

A Massachusetts resident, Faustina began working on her college applications last August. In the beginning, the process was going well. However, as she began receiving acceptance letters and financial aid award letters, things became difficult. As an undocumented student, Faustina did not have a permanent residency card, which most colleges need in order to provide financial aid. Unwavering in her...

Empowering the Consumer Voice to Transform Postsecondary Education

Strada Education Network is collaborating with Gallup, the world leader in consumer insights, to launch the Education Consumer Pulse. Through 350 daily interviews of U.S. adults ages 18 to 65, this three-year survey will create the largest set of education consumer insights in the nation to date. We believe understanding the consumer’s perspective is critical to addressing the many issues facing...

Come Together

A NEJHE interview on the future of consolidating colleges and merging universities ... NEBHE has been deeply interested in how New England higher education institutions can collaborate with one another and with other leaders to confront threats to their economic sustainability. These threats stem partly from shifts in academic content and delivery, student demography and institutional finances...

Breaking Away

Karen Gross is senior counsel with Finn Partners, former president of Southern Vermont College and author of Breakaway Learners: Strategies for Post-Secondary Success with At-Risk Students, from which this piece is excerpted. (Endnotes have been deleted from this excerpt.) How we foster wise decision-making generally and among young people in particular has been the subject of numerous studies....

Academically Productive Talk in a College Classroom

The classic image of a college classroom often includes a professor standing at the front of a room or hall, often standing near a chalkboard or projector screen, lecturing to a room full of 30 to 100 students diligently taking notes. This model of instruction, often referred to as direct instruction, however, is grounded in somewhat-outdated theories of learning behaviorism and cognitivism. Altho...

Real Tweets, Fake News … and More from the NEJHE Beat …

Tweeting is getting a bad name under President Trump. But let me implore you to pay attention to NEBHE’s Twitter feed @nebhe. You won't see any posts at 2:30 a.m. But it’s about the closest thing we have to a news service on New England higher education and the many areas it affects. In that way, it reminds me of why NEJHE was once called Connection. It was a bit too generic a name, but it nic...

Retirement Plan Lawsuits: Preparing for the Storm

Scanning internet news headlines on any given day will quickly confirm we live in litigious times ... especially when it comes to money and investing. Currently, higher education is being roiled by class-action lawsuits filed against high-profile institutions, including MIT, Yale and New York University, over management of their retirement plans. As the lawyers are deployed and the billable hours...

Launching the Commission on Higher Education & Employability

The Commission on Higher Education & Employability (Commission) held its opening event at the Rhode Island State House on Wednesday, April 12.  The Commission is a collaboration of the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) and Gov. Gina M. Raimondo of Rhode Island, who is serving as chair. The Commission membership includes business leaders, college presidents, chancellors, state ...

NEBHE Teams Up With RI Gov. Raimondo for Regional Commission to Improve Employability of New England College Grads

Rhode Island Gov. Gina M. Raimondo joined the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) to announce the creation of a new regional Commission on Higher Education & Employability, designed to work with the private sector to improve the career readiness of New England college and university graduates. Raimondo will serve as the Commission’s chair. “When the private and public s...

An Interstate Transfer Passport: Its Time Has Come

Students in New England take increasingly varied pathways to a degree. They are highly mobile and move among two-year colleges and four-year public and private higher education institutions (HEIs), among four-year and two-year colleges and back, and transfer in-state and out-of state. Four in 10 students who begin college at a New England institution transfer from one institution to another at lea...