Posts Categorized: Newslink Type

Presidential Material Plus

Comings and Goings ... University of Maine at Machias (UMM) Interim President Joyce Hedlund resigned effective Friday, Dec. 11., to have heart bypass surgery. Hedlund had been hired out of retirement in early 2015 after leading Maine's Washington County Community College and Eastern Maine Community College. UMM Provost Stuart Swain will serve as acting president in Machias. James F. Conneely, fo...

Radio Higher Ed Explores “Unbundling” Degrees

Through its partnership with, NEJHE is pleased to provide a conversation with Ryan Craig, author of College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education. Ryan discusses "unbundling" degrees, driving toward a competency-based marketplace and the potential impact on student debt. Radio Higher Ed’s entire podcast collection can be accessed by visiting www.radiohi...

NE Consortium Reports on Public School Performance—Gaps and All

The New England Secondary School Consortium—representing Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont—released its 2015 report on public school performance for the 2013–14 school year. Despite general improvements, the data shows economically disadvantaged (ED) students, English-language learners and students with disabilities lagging behind other groups in graduat...

Studley Leaving U.S. Ed Department

Studley Comings and Goings ... Jamienne Studley, deputy under secretary and acting assistant secretary of the U.S. Education Department's Office of Postsecondary Education, will leave the department Dec 18. NEJHE has featured a Q&A with Studley as well as video of her sharing thoughts on higher education costs. Lumina Foundation appointed Scott Jenkins, f0rmer program director at the ...

NEBHE Releases 2016 Guide to New England Colleges & Universities

The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), in association with Boston magazine, has produced the 2016 Guide to New England Colleges & Universities, the fifth edition of the annual guide. Boston magazine published the Guide in combination with its December 2015 issue. NEBHE is distributing complimentary copies of the Guide throughout New England, including to school...

A Strategic Idea

NEBHE president proposes a "sweet spot" between consortia and mergers ... The TIAA-CREF Institute has published a report by New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) President and CEO Michael K. Thomas on "strategic alliances" in higher education. Inside Higher Ed characterizes the Thomas proposal as a third ways between less formal collaborations and more permanent mergers. His solution...

Westfield State Names its First Latino Prez; Walczak to Chair Bunker Hill Trustees; Hassan Will Head Study Abroad Group

Torrecilha Comings and Goings ... Westfield State University's Board of Trustees recommended Ramon S. Torrecilha, a professor of sociology and former provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State University, Dominguez Hills, to be Westfield State's first Latino president. He would succeed Elizabeth Preston, the university’s vice president of academic affairs, who serv...

NEBHE Reveals 2016 New England Higher Education Excellence Award Winners

The New England Board of Higher Education's (NEBHE) announced its 2016 New England Higher Education Excellence Awards winners. NEBHE will hold its annual awards celebration at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel on Friday, March 4, 2016. REGIONAL AWARD RECIPIENTS The Governor Walter R. Peterson Award for Leadership The David and Rosamond Putnam Family of New Hampshire The Eleanor M. McMahon ...

Radio Higher Ed Conversation with Tom Mortenson

Through its partnership with, NEJHE is pleased to provide a conversation wih Tom Mortenson, senior scholar at the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education. Mortenson discusses how education fiscal policies at the state and federal level have affected access to college and the U.S. position in the global human capital economy. Radio Higher Ed’s ...

Former Husson Prez to Act as Maine Ed Commish, Plus a New Disruption

Comings and Goings ... Maine Gov. Paul LePage appointed former Husson University President and 2010 gubernatorial candidate William Beardsley as acting commissioner of the Maine Department of Education. Tom Desjardin, who has been acting education commissioner since April and is on medical leave, will return to his earlier role of deputy commissioner. The Clayton Christensen Institute for Disr...