Posts Categorized: Schools

Two More NE States Close Books on Tough Budget Year

In mid-June, we reported that Connecticut and Vermont had completed budgets in record time. Now it's Maine and New Hampshire's turn in this very difficult budget year. Maine State Budget After a rocky start, Maine's newly elected Republican Gov. Paul LePage got much of what he asked for, as the Republican-controlled Legislature approved a $6.1 billion two-year budget, which included the eliminatio...

Nellie Mae Education Foundation Issues Report Boosting Technology in Schools

More than 40% of high school students feel unprepared to use technology as they look ahead to college and work, and only 8% of teachers fully integrate technology in the classroom, according to Integrating Technology with Student-Centered Learning, a new report prepared for the Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) of Quincy, Mass., by Education Development Center (EDC) of Newton, Mass.The report...

Down Economy Still Shaping College Enrollment, Consulting Firm Says

Two years after the depth of the Great Recession, the economy is still a major factor in college-enrollment decisions, according to a new survey by Concord, Mass.-based Maguire Associates and Nearly one-third of high school seniors who did not enroll in their first-choice college said the main reason was that they could not afford it, according to the survey of 2,400 high school seni...

Among Latest Comings & Goings, Meotti Named Interim Chief of New Conn. Regents

Connecticut Higher Education Commissioner Michael P. Meotti, a NEBHE delegate, was named interim president of the the state's new Board of Regents of Higher Education. Under the state's recent education reorganization, the Regents will serve as the board for the community colleges, state universities and Charter Oak State College, as of Jan. 1. 2012. ****Vermont State Colleges Chancellor Tim Don...

Number of HS Grads Dropping in NE States

The number of new high school graduates will plunge in the New England states between now and 2020, according to a new report by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS). The report Not Just Kid Stuff Anymore: The Economic Imperative for More Adults to Complete College forecasts no national growth in the number of high s...

Mass. Forum to Ask What Is Meant by “College and Career Readiness”

The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy and the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education will hold a forum on "Defining and Assessing College and Career Readiness" on Tuesday June 14, at 8:30 a.m. at the Seaport World Trade Center Boston. "While the goal of the previous Massachusetts State Curriculum Frameworks was to ensure students’ proficiency in specific disciplines...

Here Come the Guvs …

New England's governors on strategies for higher education We've invited each of the six New England governors to write short articles for The New England Journal of Higher Education on future challenges facing higher education in their respective states. In June, we'll begin posting each piece by the chief executives in alphabetical order by state, starting with Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy....

Study Projects Big Job Cuts in Schools for 2011-12

A quarter-million jobs in education are in jeopardy next school year, according to the latest economic impact survey by the American Association of School Administrators (AASA). Two-thirds of U.S. school districts eliminated personnel in the 2010-11 school year, and nearly three-quarters expected to cut more jobs in the 2011-12 school year, according to the Projection of National Education Jo...

Nellie Mae Education Foundation Awards Seven Organizations, Schools and Districts Almost $1 Million for “Proficiency-Based Pathways”

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) awarded one-year grants to seven organizations, schools, and districts across New England as part of the foundation's effort to prepare all learners with the skills and knowledge needed for success in postsecondary education, work and life. Proficiency-Based Pathways allow students to progress toward their goals based on mastery rather than a required ...

The Edvolution Continues: Western NE is Latest College to Graduate to University

Western New England College of Springfield, Mass., was awarded "university" status by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and will change its name to Western New England University on July 1, 2011. Why the name change? Western New England will develop a Ph.D. program in Engineering Management to join its existing Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis. But as we noted in Higher E(d)volution: Six Ma...