Posts Categorized: Newslink Topic

Innovation Indexed

Massachusetts and Connecticut lead America in college-educated or “innovation economy” workers, according to the latest annual index of "The Massachusetts Innovation Economy, published by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Among “areas for Massachusetts to focus on,” however, the report cites disparities in public funding for education, especially higher education...

NEBHE Awarded Lumina Foundation Grant to Assist New England States in Redesigning Student Aid Programs

Goal is to redesign state financial aid programs to meet national and state college enrollment and degree-attainment targets, better align state, federal and institutional student aid strategies  ... NEBHE was awarded a $404,400 grant from Lumina Foundation to help the New England states redesign and align their student financial aid programs. The purpose of the grant is to provide technica...

College Commencement to Feature Marathon Figures

Fisher College announced that Boston Marathon figures Carlos Arredondo and Jeff Bauman will speak at its 110th commencement ceremony, on May 10, 2014 at 11 a.m. at the John Hancock Hall in Boston. Bauman lost both legs in the Boston Marathon bombing last year. Arredondo helped save Bauman's life by wrapping a makeshift tourniquet around his leg and wheeling him to safety. Related Posts:Ted Kennedy...

Grant Moors College of the Atlantic to NYC School on Enviro Science

It is fairly well-documented that most underprivileged students see any early interest they had in STEM fields vanish in high school due to lack of school resources and inattention or exclusion. It's certainly true of environmental sciences. But a new grant aims to reverse that. College of the Atlantic (COA) was awarded $134,000 from the Brooke Astor One-Year Fund for New York City Education to w...

Online Public-Private Mashup

A private college in Massachusetts and a public one in New Hampshire are teaming up to pursue their shared interests in serving working adult students. Cambridge College will expand online offerings through a new partnership with Granite State College. Focused on a diverse population of adult learners, Cambridge already operates three Massachusetts-based campuses and five additional sites across...

Innovation in Energy Services Ed Charged Up in Maine

Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) has been powering up its innovative Energy Services and Technology (EST) program, designed to prepare students for employment in the growing field of sustainable energy. EST integrates instruction in the installation and design of high-efficiency and renewable plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and prepares students to ...

A “Wage Penalty” for For-Profit Students

Community college students who transferred to for-profits in the early to mid-2000s earned roughly 7% less over the next decade than those who transferred to public or private nonprofit institutions, according to a study by the Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment housed at the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Columbia University Teachers College. The authors o...

Endowments Rebound

College endowments grew by nearly 12% in 2013, according to an annual survey of 835 institutions by Commonfund and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The largest U.S. endowments are Harvard's at $32 billion and Yale's at $20 billion. The nation's top two liberal arts college endowments are at Williams and Amherst colleges. Nationally, the endowments have reboun...

Among Comings and Goings, WPI Names its First Woman President

Geochemist and former NASA official Laurie Leshin was named the first woman president of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, effective July 1. She succeeds Dennis D. Berkey, who had been president for nine years until retiring in May. The national public policy group Demos promoted its vice president of policy and outreach, Heather McGhee, to be its next president, effective March 10. She will suc...

Solving Problems: NEBHE Launches New PBL Projects Website

The New England Board of Higher Education's (NEBHE) Problem Based Learning (PBL) Projects team is pleased to announce the launch of a new website combining the Advanced Manufacturing PBL, STEM PBL, and PHOTON PBL projects with their industry-based case studies called Challenges into one comprehensive website. The Advanced Manufacturing PBL, STEM PBL and PHOTON PBL projects remain accessible via NE...