Posts Categorized: Journal Type

Labor Day and Some Crumbs from the NEJHE Beat

Fruits of our labor. With terms like task creeping back into the language (as both a verb and a noun), the true origins of Labor Day may be as remote to today's students as Lupercalia. The day, of course, is meant not simply to mark the end of summer by gorging on hotdogs, but to honor workers ... including faculty and staff in and out of higher education and, by extension, the millions of undergr...

A Model for Math Modeling

Mathematical modeling is an open-ended research subject where no definite answers exist for any problem. Math modeling enables thinking outside the box to connect different fields of studies together including statistics, algebra, calculus, matrices, programming and scientific writing. As an integral part of our society, it is the foundation for many economical, medical and eng...

Welcome to the Post-Bachelor’s World

Lifelong learning and advanced credentials are increasingly critical for our economy ... The “war for talent” is accelerating in the U.S. job market, as private-sector payrolls recently posted their 77th consecutive month of growth. Notably, today’s economy is demanding professionals with higher levels of education, as evidenced by the very low 2.5% unemployment rate for adults with a bac...

E-to-E: Spanning Opportunity and Skills Gaps with Education-to-Employment Pathways

New England’s economy has improved, but economic opportunity and skills gaps contribute to slower growth in employment, income and social mobility than experienced in previous recoveries from recessions. With an aging population and relatively slow natural growth rates in the labor force, these gaps put the future of the New England economy at greater risk than that of other regions. There ...

The College Scorecard and Return on Investment

A net present value analysis of business schools in Massachusetts ... Higher education institutions are increasingly being assessed on their ability to generate a positive return on investment (ROI) for their graduates. A variety of stakeholders use the ROI and similar metrics in the college decision-making process. Students, parents, policymakers, education institutions, and rating agencies al...

Now the Views of the Vice Presidential Candidates on Higher Ed

A few weeks ago, NEJHE highlighted a brief bibliography of what's been said about the major presidential candidates' positions on higher education policy. Since then, both candidates introduced their running mates. Here are a few recent articles from various sources on the vice presidential candidates' positions on higher ed ... Tim Kaine Tim Kaine's Political Summary on Issue: Higher Educat...

Talking about Religion Matters

This past winter, one of my colleagues attended a higher education conference on diversity. She was pleased to learn that the conference facilitators had asked her to lead a discussion on religious diversity at the conference. She took her seat at the table at the appointed time and was preparing her materials when a conference participant approached her incredulously. “This conversation is abou...

Views of Presidential Candidates on Higher Education: A Brief Bibliography

Over the next two weeks, the two major U.S. parties will be pitching their platforms on issues facing Americans. It's a good time to learn more about their views on higher education and its connections to economic development. Much of the rhetoric has focused on ideas such as free college and combating student loan debt, as well as the candidates' involvement with for-profit higher ed outfits. Her...

Pecking Orders, Guns, Tracking and More from the NEJHE Beat

Pecking orders. Harvard and Cornell recently tied for the U.S. higher ed institutions that educate the most CEOs who run U.S. companies listed by Forbes in the top 100. We would often pore over such lists of where top CEOs went to college and meticulously note how many graduated from New England colleges. The predictable story was how many went to Harvard, Yale and MIT and how few went to New Engl...

The Demise of the Faculty Lounge

Remember the faculty lounge? When I began at my current institution back in 1999, there was one in every building—sometimes two! This public space—complete with industrial furniture, coffee pots smoldering on burners, and a mini-fridge with sticky notes all over it reminding people to clean out their stinky sandwiches—was higher education’s version of the office water coole...