NEBHE Welcomes Stephanie Miranda Murphy as Policy Research Analyst

NEBHE is pleased to welcome Stephanie Miranda Murphy as its new policy research analyst. She joins NEBHE from the James B. Hunt Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy in Durham, N.C., where she supported research on key issues and challenges in K-12 education, higher education, educational governing structures and public policy. Murphy is pursuing a doctorate in political science at...

NEBHE, New England Council Join Forces Calling for Talent Pipeline

DC Shuttle ... NEBHE, NEC Leaders Pen Talent Pipeline Op-Ed. New England Council President Jim Brett joined New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) President Michael K. Thomas to author an op-ed on developing a regional talent pipeline. Brett is a member of NEBHE's Commission on Higher Education & Employability. The commission recently released an 18-point strategy to increase the caree...

Levine to Step Down Next Year as Leader of Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Levine Comings and Goings ... Arthur Levine he will step down as president of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation in July 2019. Among other accomplishments at the foundation, he worked with MIT to create a cutting-edge graduate school of education called the Woodrow Wilson Academy of Teaching and Learning. Levine previously served as president and professor of education at Teachers...

Gainfully Repealed?

DC Shuttle ... Education Department to Repeal Gainful Employment Regulation. The U.S. Education Department announced plans to repeal the "gainful employment" rule, which sought to punish higher education programs whose graduates bear a high level of student-loan debt, according to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Experts had predicted that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos...

Boston Names Its First African-American Police Commish as Top Cop Evans Heads to BC

Gross Comings and Goings ... William Gross will become Boston's first African-American police commissioner on Aug. 5, succeeding William B. Evans, who is leaving the department after 39 years to become executive director of public safety at Boston College. The Rhode Island Council on Postsecondary Education named Tim DelGiudice to be its new chair, succeeding William Folks. The manager of strat...

Trump Executive Order Encourages Workforce Development

DC Shuttle ... Companies Pledge Apprenticeships at White House Event. The White House announced a new "Pledge to America's Workers" initiative to design an apprenticeship strategy and encourage companies to pledge to participate. The president signed an executive order to establish the National Council for the American Worker. Comprising senior administration officials, the council is charged wit...

UMaine System Fills New Workforce Post; UMass Dartmouth Names First Senior Associate VC for Talent and Diversity

Sutton Comings and Goings ... The University of Maine System named Theresa Sutton, currently a vice president at Wex Inc., to be be the founding CEO of Maine Center Ventures, which was created to foster ties with outside interests to develop curriculum and programs tailored to Maine’s workforce needs. UMass Dartmouth appointed executive coaching and business consultant Angela M. Callahan ...

Going to Fund Like It’s 2019, Plus Retreat on Race in Admissions and Beefing Up School Safety

DC Shuttle ... House Appropriations Committee Passes 2019 Education Funding Bill. The House Appropriations Committee approved, 30 to 22, a $177.1 billion bill to fund the departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services for fiscal 2019. The spending bill would provide a $43 million increase for the Education Department, funding it at $71 billion in fiscal 2019, which begins Oct. 1. ...

RWU President Donald Farish Passes Away; Changes at NHTI, Fletcher, Babson; New Super for Boston Schools

Comings and Goings ... Roger Williams University President Donald Farish passed away after a sudden illness. University trustees chose Provost Andrew Workman to serve as interim president. Farish worked in academia for 51 years and began leading the Bristol, R.I. university in 2011. He planned to retire in 2019. He was an active member of NEBHE's Commission on Higher Education & Employabili...

Feds, States Grappling with Career and Tech Ed

DC Shuttle ... Congress Advancing Perkins CTE Reauthorization. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee marked up a bill to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. A bipartisan agreement has been reached to update the law. The legislation directs how the federal government spends about $1 billion each year on career and technical education (CTE...