Data Connection: Languages, Moods and Preferences

Change in U.S. college enrollments in languages other than English from fall 2013 to fall 2016: -9.2% Modern Language Association Number of foreign-language programs that colleges closed during that period: 651 Modern Language Association Rank of American Sign Language among most popular "foreign-language" majors for bachelor's-degree recipients: 7th Chronicle of Higher Education analysis of...

UConn Taps New Prez, UVM Discloses “Sole Finalist”

Comings and Goings ... The University of Connecticut Board of Trustees appointed University of Virginia Provost and Executive Vice President Thomas C. Katsouleas to be UConn’s 16th president, effective Aug. 1. The University of Vermont announced Suresh Garimella, executive vice president for research and partnerships at Purdue University in Indiana, as the “sole finalist” to succ...

Senate HELP Chair Aims to Reauthorize Higher Ed Act, Simplify FAFSA This Year

DC Shuttle ... Alexander Outlines HEA Plans. U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander gave a speech at the American Enterprise Institute to discuss his outlook for the Higher Education Act (HEA). Alexander previewed his intentions for the work of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, which he chairs, and said he intends to work on reauthorization of the HEA. He laid out goals for ...

Raising Minimum Wage, Investing in Public Schools Among Topics Unveiled by House Democrats

DC Shuttle ... House Ed Committee Meets to Organize Work Agenda. The U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor held an organizational markup to appoint Democratic and Republican members to Subcommittees for the 116th Congress. During the meeting, Committee Democrats announced the first four hearing topics planned for the 116th Congress: protecting workers with pre-existing conditions; gra...

New Republicans Join U.S. House Ed Panel

DC Shuttle ... New Republican Members Named to U.S. House Education Committee. Ranking Member Virginia Foxx (R-NC) announced the lineup of Republicans on the House Education and Labor Committee for the 116th Congress. The list includes 10 new Republicans: Mark Walker (NC), James Comer (KY), Russ Fulcher (ID), Van Taylor (TX), Steve Watkins (KS), Ron Wright (TX), Dan Meuser (PA), William Timmons...

Connecticut’s Levinson Retiring; Conway Leaving UMaine Law for Penn State; New Leader at All4Ed

Comings and Goings ... The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system announced that David Levinson will retire from his positions as president of Norwalk Community College and vice president of community colleges for the system on June 30. He will serve as Presidential Fellow from July 1 to June 30, 2020. NEBHE honored Levinson's accomplishments with a 2018 Excellence Award. ...

Your Friends on the Hill

DC Shuttle ... New Democratic Members of House Education Committee Announced. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Democrats selected 14 new members of the House Committee on Education and Labor. The new members are Josh Harder (D-CA), Jahana Hayes (D-CT), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Susie Lee (D-NV), Andy Levin (D-MI), Lucy McBath (D-GA), Joseph D. Morelle (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Kim ...

MIT, Brown U Officials Tapped to Lead Boston Fed Board

Comings and Goings ... Phillip L. Clay, professor emeritus of city planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, became chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston for 2019, and Brown University President  Christina Hull Paxson became deputy chair. The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education named Edward Lambert Jr., former Fall River, Mass., mayor and vice chancellor f...

DeLauro, McGovern Among New Englanders More Visible in Higher Ed Policy After Dems Take House

DC Shuttle ... Trump Administration Releases Draft of Regulation Overhaul. The Trump administration released a draft of a sweeping plan to overhaul a wide range of higher education regulations. Negotiations over the proposal were set to begin Monday, Jan. 14. The U.S. Education Department selected 15 people to serve on the rulemaking committee, as well as dozens of additional, non-voting altern...

Newly Elected Governors Name Key Advisors

Comings and Goings ... Newly elected Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont nominated state Sen. Beth Bye, D-West Hartford, current co-chair of the Legislature’s Education Committee and NEBHE delegate, to lead the state Office of Early Childhood. Lamont also nominated state Sen. Tim Larson, executive director of Tweed New Haven-Regional Airport, to lead the state Office of Higher Education, which adm...