Posts Categorized: News

Let Them Eat Cake?

DC Shuttle ... School Nutrition Rules Released. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a final rule on school nutrition, relaxing some requirements put in under the last administration. Schools in the national school lunch and breakfast programs will be allowed to serve flavored, low-fat milk, which is prohibited under existing standards. The requirement for the portion of grains th...

Party Lines for Ed Policy

DC Shuttle ... Senate HELP Approves Ed Nominee on Party Line Vote. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved Robert L. King to be the U.S. assistant secretary of postsecondary education. The committee approved four education and labor nominations, despite objections from Democrats about a lack of hearings for nominees they considered controversial. The committee...

Announcing the 2019-20 NEBHE-Chinese Government Scholarship from NEBHE!

 Begin the application process for the 2019-20 scholarship now! The New England Board of Higher Education is pleased to announce the NEBHE-Chinese Government Scholarship, a timely opportunity for New England college and university students. Through NEBHE, qualified New England students may be eligible to study at a Chinese university and receive a full scholarship. The scholarships are pro...

Electing a Reflection of America

With votes still being counted and recounted and candidates already pondering their next campaigns, the 2018 midterm elections have left an indelible mark on New England and its representation in Washington, D.C. New Hampshire voters elected at least 42 state representatives under age 40 to the state's 400-member House of Representatives—the third largest legislative body in the English-speak...

Fall Changes

Comings and Goings ... Mary Ellen Mahoney, who recently served as executive director of graduate and extended studies programs at St. Joseph’s University, in Philadelphia, was named dean of Becker College’s School of Graduate & Professional Studies. Ben Barnes, formerly Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s secretary of policy and management, was named CFO of the Connecticut Stat...

University of Maine System to Participate in NEBHE’s High Value Credentials for New England Initiative

The University of Maine System (UMS) will participate in the High Value Credentials for New England (HVCNE) initiative, a project launched earlier this year by the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) and Credential Engine with support from the Lumina Foundation. UMS is the second higher education system to join HVCNE. Dedicated to creating credential transparency and revealing the ...

Trump Admin’s Sexual Assault Rules Would Benefit Accused

DC Shuttle ... Administration Releases Rewrite of Sexual Assault Rule. The Trump administration unveiled its proposed overhaul of rules for schools handling allegations of sexual harassment and assault. The long-awaited proposal gathered quick response. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's decision to write new regulations under Title IX had been controversial. The new rules more narrowly define s...

College Affordability: The Price of Public Higher Education in New England

Tuition and fees across New England have risen by 16% ($734) at community colleges and 10% ($1,001) at four-year public institutions since 2012-13, according to NEBHE’s 2017-18 Tuition and Fees Report. The report, published annually by NEBHE's Policy & Research team, takes an in-depth look at the tuition and required fees published by public two- and four-year postsecondary institutions a...

Former U.S. Ed Chief Spellings to Leave Helm of UNC System Mid-Contract

Comings and Goings ... Former U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings will step down as president of the 17-campus University of North Carolina System on March 1, 2019, only three years into her five-year contract. Spellings wrote for NEJHE (then called Connection) about the national Commission on the Future of Higher Education, which she led as education secretary. The University...

NEBHE Explores “Tradition, Transition and Transformation” of New England Higher Ed

NEBHE convened its Annual Fall Board Meeting near Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire in September on the overarching themes of “Tradition, Transition and Transformation: Sustaining New England’s Higher Education Industry and Advantage.” Over two days, NEBHE delegates explored the impact of changing demography, declining enrollments and opportunities for “demand cultivation” and strat...