Posts Categorized: Student Aid

New Look at College Placement Policies

The head of JFYNetWorks has some thoughts on the buzz surrounding changing college placement standards and particularly the Accuplacer that determines assignment to credit or non-credit courses. Gary Kaplan, executive director, of the Boston-based JFYNetWorks, issued a monograph examining recent proposals to replace the Accuplacer with other measures. These other measures could include attai...

Projecting Enrollment, Protecting Student Data …

DC Shuttle ... Student enrollment projections. The Education Department and the National Center for Education Statistics released new data on student enrollment projections. According to the report, 3 million more people will be enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities in 2022 than were enrolled in 2012,. Inside Higher Ed reports. Student data privacy. The Education Department's Privacy Techni...

NE Higher Ed’s Changing Weather … Introducing NEJHE’s “State Capital Notes”

State Capital Notes ... New England's public education and higher education governance structures have always varied. Some states have designated state agencies focused on higher education; others have an office within a state department of education. The executives at the top—commissioners of higher education, chancellors of state postsecondary systems or directors of state higher educatio...

Innovation Indexed

Massachusetts and Connecticut lead America in college-educated or “innovation economy” workers, according to the latest annual index of "The Massachusetts Innovation Economy, published by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Among “areas for Massachusetts to focus on,” however, the report cites disparities in public funding for education, especially higher education...

NEBHE Awarded Lumina Foundation Grant to Assist New England States in Redesigning Student Aid Programs

Goal is to redesign state financial aid programs to meet national and state college enrollment and degree-attainment targets, better align state, federal and institutional student aid strategies  ... NEBHE was awarded a $404,400 grant from Lumina Foundation to help the New England states redesign and align their student financial aid programs. The purpose of the grant is to provide technica...

Grant Moors College of the Atlantic to NYC School on Enviro Science

It is fairly well-documented that most underprivileged students see any early interest they had in STEM fields vanish in high school due to lack of school resources and inattention or exclusion. It's certainly true of environmental sciences. But a new grant aims to reverse that. College of the Atlantic (COA) was awarded $134,000 from the Brooke Astor One-Year Fund for New York City Education to w...

Innovation in Energy Services Ed Charged Up in Maine

Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) has been powering up its innovative Energy Services and Technology (EST) program, designed to prepare students for employment in the growing field of sustainable energy. EST integrates instruction in the installation and design of high-efficiency and renewable plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and prepares students to ...

Endowments Rebound

College endowments grew by nearly 12% in 2013, according to an annual survey of 835 institutions by Commonfund and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The largest U.S. endowments are Harvard's at $32 billion and Yale's at $20 billion. The nation's top two liberal arts college endowments are at Williams and Amherst colleges. Nationally, the endowments have reboun...

Top 10 Legislative Issues Include Rebound in State Higher Ed Funding (with Accountability)

Every year since the mid-1990s, Governing magazine has offered speculation on the top legislative issues facing the states. Higher education rarely makes the list, and most Governing higher ed coverage of late has focused on state budget cuts. But 2014 may be different. The magazine cites a survey by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities finding that 37 states increased FY 2...

DC Shuttle: Vermont Racing to the Top

Health and Human Services announces early learning grants. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that six states, including Vermont, would be awarded Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grants. Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania will also receive a portion of the $280 million in grant awards. Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin said his state's $37 milli...