Bridget Terry Long to Lead Harvard Grad School of Ed; Mark Twain Scholar to Head U of Bridgeport

Long Comings and Goings ... Bridget Terry Long, Saris Professor of Education and Economics and former academic dean at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), will become the next dean of HGSE in July, succeeding James E. Ryan, who will become president of the University of Virginia. Long co-authored the article "As Student Debt Increases, Colleges Owe More in Performance" for NEJH...

New England Board of Higher Ed Launches Regional Initiative with Credential Engine

NEBHE is pleased to announce the following grant from Lumina Foundation to launch the High Value Credentials for New England (HVCNE) initiative. The initiative is part of the ongoing work stemming from NEBHE's Commission on Higher Education & Employability. The Commission, chaired by Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, brought together leaders of education, business and policy for nearly a year t...

States and Feds Battle Over Who Regulates Student Loan Servicers

DC Shuttle ... States Move Legislation on Student Loan Servicers. States have continued to move legislation regarding student loan servicing, despite the fact that the Trump administration says it should be handled by the federal government, and not state governments. The administration sought to put an end to states' regulation of the companies that collect federal student loans. U.S. Education ...

NEBHE SARA Director Doran to Lead College in NC; Tufts, Smith Provosts Named Presidents of New York’s Union College, Virginia’s William & Mary; Mount Holyoke Acting Prez Becomes Permanent

Comings and Goings ... NEBHE's Sandra J. Doran, who in January 2014 became the first director of the New England State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), was named interim president of Salem Academy and College, while the private women's school in Winston-Salem, N.C., seeks a new permanent leader. At Salem, Doran replaces Lorraine Sterritt, who in January was named president of S...

Apprenticeship Boosted in House

DC Shuttle ... House Committee Passes Apprenticeship Bill. The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee unanimously approved the Innovations in Mentoring, Training, and Apprenticeships Act (H.R. 5509), introduced by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and cosponsored by Chair Lamar Smith (R-TX). The bill directs the National Science Foundation to provide grants for innovative approaches t...

New England Colleges Named in U.S. Antitrust Investigation

DC Shuttle ... Universities Targeted by Department of Justice in Antitrust Probe on Early-Decision Policies. The U.S. Department of Justice has launched an investigation into antitrust violations related to early-decision college admissions. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Justice Department has sent letters to top U.S. universities notifying them of the investigation. The letter also a...

Maine, NH Hire New Flagship Presidents; Vermont Ed Secretary Resigns

Ferrini-Mundy Comings and Goings ... The University of Maine System appointed National Science Foundation COO Joan Ferrini-Mundy to be the 21st president of the University of Maine, succeeding Susan Hunter, who will retire this summer. Ferrini-Mundy will also serve as president of the system's smallest campus, the University of Maine at Machias as part of a partnership established last summer.The...

NEBHE Announces $59M in Tuition Savings; New Programs Ranging from Audio Engineering to World Languages Education

NEBHE announces 2017-18 Regional Student Program annual report ... The New England Board of Higher Education's Regional Student Program (RSP), also known as Tuition Break, provided more than $59 million in tuition savings in academic year 2017-18 to 8,654 participating students, according to the recently published 2017-18 Annual Report of the New England Regional Student Program (RSP). Th...

NEBHE Regional Commission Issues Major Report and Recommendations on Higher Education and Employability

PROVIDENCE, R.I., March 19, 2018­--The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) Commission on Higher Education & Employability today released a major report with recommendations to increase the career readiness of graduates of New England colleges and universities and improve their transitions to work.Click here to read and download the Learning for Life and Work report in PDF format....

Quinnipiac Names Its First Woman Prez; Community College Guru Bailey to Head Teachers College at Columbia U

Olian Comings and Goings ... Judy D. Olian, dean and John E. Anderson Chair in Management at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, was named the first woman president of Quinnipiac University, succeeding John L. Lahey. Thomas Bailey, director of the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University, since the center's founding in 1996, was named the next president of ...