Change in U.S. college enrollments in languages other than English from fall 2013 to fall 2016: -9.2% Modern Language Association
Number of foreign-language programs that colleges closed during that period: 651 Modern Language Association
Rank of American Sign Language among most popular “foreign-language” majors for bachelor’s-degree recipients: 7th Chronicle of Higher Education analysis of U.S. Department of Education data
Percentage of Americans who are satisfied with the moral and ethical climate in 2019: 26% Gallup
Percentage who said they were satisfied in 2001: 36% Gallup
Percentage of Americans under age 30 who said during the first two years of the Trump administration they would like to move to another country permanently: 30% Gallup
Number of New England cities among the 50 most diverse cities in the U.S. in terms of ethnicity and race, language and birthplace: 13 Wallethub
U.S. ranks of Massachusetts and Connecticut among states whose residents and businesses contribute more in federal taxes than the states receive back in federal spending: 3rd, 4th Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government of SUNY
Overall admission rate among applicants to Harvard University: 5% The Harvard Crimson
Harvard’s admission rate from 2010 to 2015 for “legacy” students with at least one Harvard-educated parent: 34% Jennifer Lee of Columbia University in Los Angeles Times
Change in newsroom employment in the U.S. between 2008 and 2017: -23% U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Number of children who died as a result of workplace injuries between 2003 and 2016: 452 Government Accountability Office
For earlier installments of “Data Connection,” see:
From time to time, we revive the presentation of facts and figures called “Data Connection” that we had published quarterly for nearly 20 years in the print editions of The New England Journal of Higher Education (formerly Connection).
Data Connection: Immigration, Politics, Jobs, Absenteeism and Fishing
More Data Connection: Citizens
Numbers Game … More Data Connection
Data Connection: New England’s Patriots and More
More Data Connection: Peace in the Valley? Scientists and Kids
Data Connection: State Work, Guns, Sports
Return to Data Connection: Stats on NE Education, Economy, Life
Former print editions at NEJHE Archives
John O. Harney is executive editor of The New England Journal of Higher Education.