Posts Categorized: Newslink

Bill Would Bar Feds from Mandating Common Core

DC Shuttle ... House and Senate Conference Pass No Child Left Behind Reform. A Senate and House Conference Committee approved legislation which would reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, an update to No Child Left Behind, which expired in 2007. The committee voted 38 to 1 to pass a framework, which staff had crafted from the versions passed on the chambers' floors. With a frame...

A Strategic Idea

NEBHE president proposes a "sweet spot" between consortia and mergers ... The TIAA-CREF Institute has published a report by New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) President and CEO Michael K. Thomas on "strategic alliances" in higher education. Inside Higher Ed characterizes the Thomas proposal as a third ways between less formal collaborations and more permanent mergers. His solution...

Westfield State Names its First Latino Prez; Walczak to Chair Bunker Hill Trustees; Hassan Will Head Study Abroad Group

Torrecilha Comings and Goings ... Westfield State University's Board of Trustees recommended Ramon S. Torrecilha, a professor of sociology and former provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State University, Dominguez Hills, to be Westfield State's first Latino president. He would succeed Elizabeth Preston, the university’s vice president of academic affairs, who serv...

New Pressure on For-Profit Colleges

DC Shuttle ... Administration Calls for For-Profit College Legislation. The Washington Post details how the Obama administration is pressuring Congress to pass legislation to protect veterans from aggressive for-profit colleges. House and Senate Negotiators Reach Preliminary ESEA Deal. Lawmakers reached an agreement on a No Child Left Behind reauthorization and plan to name conferees and move...

More Light on Accreditation

DC Shuttle ... Education Department Announces New Rules for Accreditors. The U.S. Education Department announced "a series of executive actions to improve accreditors' and the department's oversight activities and move toward a new focus on student outcomes and transparency." The announcement included executive actions and recommended legislative reform, focusing on transparency, that officials s...

NEBHE Reveals 2016 New England Higher Education Excellence Award Winners

The New England Board of Higher Education's (NEBHE) announced its 2016 New England Higher Education Excellence Awards winners. NEBHE will hold its annual awards celebration at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel on Friday, March 4, 2016. REGIONAL AWARD RECIPIENTS The Governor Walter R. Peterson Award for Leadership The David and Rosamond Putnam Family of New Hampshire The Eleanor M. McMahon ...

U.S. Eyeing Aid Changes

DC Shuttle ... Ed Department Finalizes Rules on Income-Based Repayment and Student Aid Delivery. The U.S. Education Department finalized two rules expanding an income-based student loan repayment program and giving students more options for receiving aid. The rule will expand the REPAYE program to allow five million more Direct Loan borrowers to cap their monthly student loan payment amount at 10...

Former Husson Prez to Act as Maine Ed Commish, Plus a New Disruption

Comings and Goings ... Maine Gov. Paul LePage appointed former Husson University President and 2010 gubernatorial candidate William Beardsley as acting commissioner of the Maine Department of Education. Tom Desjardin, who has been acting education commissioner since April and is on medical leave, will return to his earlier role of deputy commissioner. The Clayton Christensen Institute for Disr...

Get with the Programming: STEM Definition Now Includes Computer Science

DC Shuttle ... STEM Education Act Signed into Law. President Obama signed the STEM Education Act of 2015, which expands the definition of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) to include computer science programs. The bill was originally introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), members of the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The law does not increas...

Radio Higher Ed Explores Deliverology and Reform

Through its partnership with, NEJHE is pleased to provide a discussion with Ellyn Artis, co-author of Deliverology in Practice on the delivery approach to reforming higher education. Radio Higher Ed’s entire podcast collection can be accessed by visiting or by subscribing through iTunes at It is also available in the Uni...