Posts Categorized: Newslink

Winter Meetings: Some Upcoming Events in New England

Andrew Young Northeastern University's spring 2016 Myra Kraft Open Classroom will feature public officials and scholars on Shaping Boston’s Future: Aspirations, Opportunities, and Challenges. The free discussions will be held Wednesdays from Jan. 13 to April 20 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Northeastern's West Village F. The first session to be held Jan. 13 will feature Sara Myerson, executive d...

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Comings and Goings ... Rhode Island's Council on Postsecondary Education appointed Meghan L. Hughes, former leader of Year Up Providence, to be the next president of the Community College of Rhode Island. Tunxis Community College Dean of Academic Affairs Michael Rooke became president of Northwestern Connecticut Community College, succeeding Barbara Douglass who retired. The Maine Center for Pub...

RIC Prez to Step Down; New Leaders at MassArt, Brandeis, UNH Manchester

Carriuolo Comings and Goings ... Rhode Island College President Nancy Carriuolo announced she will step down in May. Carriuolo has written NEJHE articles on the new role of college librarians as well as collaboration among  states and between education and liberal arts. Massachusetts College of Art and Design named music educator David P. Nelson, currently provost of the University of North...

Omnibus, Take All of Us

DC Shuttle ... Omnibus Package Includes Education Spending. The FY 2016 omnibus (H.R. 2029) passed and signed into law last week provides $162.1 billion for the programs funded under the Labor-HHS-Education section. That is $5.4 billion more than last fiscal year, but $5.5 billion less than President Barack Obama had requested. Title I got an additional $500 million, up to approximately $14.9 bil...

Presidential Material Plus

Comings and Goings ... University of Maine at Machias (UMM) Interim President Joyce Hedlund resigned effective Friday, Dec. 11., to have heart bypass surgery. Hedlund had been hired out of retirement in early 2015 after leading Maine's Washington County Community College and Eastern Maine Community College. UMM Provost Stuart Swain will serve as acting president in Machias. James F. Conneely, fo...

Supremes to Hear More on Affirmative Action

DC Shuttle ... Supreme Court Weighs Affirmative Action Case, Again. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments a second time in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin. In 2013, the Supreme Court heard the case and ruled 7 to 1 against a lower court's decision. The ruling said that the lower court had not applied proper legal scrutiny to the university's admission's policy but did not offer much more...

Every Student to Succeed?

DC Shuttle ... House Passes ESEA Reauthorization. The House voted 359 to 64 to approve the Every Student Succeeds Act, to replace the outdated No Child Left Behind Act. The final language must now be passed in the Senate before being sent to the president. The bill would significantly reduce the federal role in elementary and secondary education, according to the Washington Post. While it would g...

Radio Higher Ed Explores “Unbundling” Degrees

Through its partnership with, NEJHE is pleased to provide a conversation with Ryan Craig, author of College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education. Ryan discusses "unbundling" degrees, driving toward a competency-based marketplace and the potential impact on student debt. Radio Higher Ed’s entire podcast collection can be accessed by visiting www.radiohi...

NE Consortium Reports on Public School Performance—Gaps and All

The New England Secondary School Consortium—representing Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont—released its 2015 report on public school performance for the 2013–14 school year. Despite general improvements, the data shows economically disadvantaged (ED) students, English-language learners and students with disabilities lagging behind other groups in graduat...

Studley Leaving U.S. Ed Department

Studley Comings and Goings ... Jamienne Studley, deputy under secretary and acting assistant secretary of the U.S. Education Department's Office of Postsecondary Education, will leave the department Dec 18. NEJHE has featured a Q&A with Studley as well as video of her sharing thoughts on higher education costs. Lumina Foundation appointed Scott Jenkins, f0rmer program director at the ...