Posts Categorized: Newslink

Economist, Community College Chancellor Gittell to Lead Bryant University

Comings and Goings ... The Bryant University Board of Trustees announced that after an extensive national search it has appointed distinguished economist and economic development expert Ross Gittell, who is currently chancellor of the Community College System of New Hampshire, as the university’s next president. Gittell will succeed Ronald K. Machtley, a former member of Congress, who has...

Senators Seek Action on Racial Disparities for Student Borrowers

DC Shuttle ... Senators Write to Education Department Over Racial Disparities in Student Borrowing. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) wrote to the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) asking how the office plans to address racial disparities in federal student loans. The letter cites studies that have shown black students are 20% mo...

Distance Ed Enrollments Under National SARA Grow by 5%

Nearly 1.3 million students were enrolled exclusively in distance education programs at institutions participating in National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) in fall 2018, according to new data from NC-SARA’s fourth annual enrollment report. That’s a 5% increase over fall 2017 data, illustrating continued growing demand for postsecondary distance education ...

NEBHE’s First SARA Director to Lead Bay Path University

Comings and Goings ... Sandra J. Doran, NEBHE's first director of the New England State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), was named the sixth president of Bay Path University, succeeding Carol Leary, who retires in June following her 25-year presidency. Doran has recently been serving as interim president of Salem Academy and College, a private women’s school in Winston-Salem, N...

League Literature

A few years back NEJHE featured Boston freelance writer Matt Robinson on a program called "Training Transformational Teachers" that uses research from various fields to help teachers understand the ways the brain learns best, then shows them classroom-tested strategies to boost student interest and retention and creative applications of what they're learning. Now, Robinson has authored Lions, Tige...

Lawmakers, AGs Stand Up to DeVos on Religion and Title IX

DC Shuttle ... Democratic Lawmakers and Attorneys General Demand Education Department Withdraw Religious Exemption Draft Rules. Sixteen Democratic senators wrote a letter to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos over her proposed draft rules in relation to Title IX and religious institutions and groups. The proposed rules would expand eligibility for institutions claiming a religious exemption f...

Harbor Walks: Changes at UMass Boston

Comings and Goings ... Katherine Newman, who served as interim chancellor of UMass Boston in 2018 and 2019, was named to the new UMass position of system chancellor of academic programs in the system president's office, overseeing  teaching and research and economic development. She is expected to begin in the new role when Marcelo Suárez-Orozco starts as chancellor of UMass Boston this ...

Trump Budget Would Cut Billions More From Ed

DC Shuttle ... Budget Proposal Includes Cuts to Education Department. The Trump administration released its budget proposal for 2021, a $4.8 trillion request that significantly cuts non-defense spending, especially for safety-net programs and domestic discretionary spending. Funding for the U.S. Department of Education under the proposal would decrease by $5.6 billion, a 7.8% cut from 2020's en...

Latest Data Connection: Some 2020 Visions

Percentage of Massachusetts adults who are women: 52% MassForward: Advancing Democratic Innovation and Electoral Reform in Massachusetts Percentage of seats in the Massachusetts Legislature held by women: 29% MassForward: Advancing Democratic Innovation and Electoral Reform in Massachusetts Number of votes by which Boston elected its first Latina city councilor in 2019: 1 Boston Elections Co...

Westfield State Prez to Retire

Comings and Goings ... Westfield State University President Ramon Torrecilha announced he will retire in August. The Coalition for College named University of Vermont Vice President for Enrollment Management Stacey Kostell to be the new CEO of the group that brings together colleges and universities to improve college access and success....