Posts Categorized: Newslink Type

Among Comings and Goings, Conn. Turnover Continues; Kelley Leaves Mass DHE for Quincy College

Lewis Robinson Jr. stepped down as chair of Connecticut's Board of Regents of Higher Education, a post he had held since July 2011. As the Connecticut Mirror reported, "The system was hit by a series of controversies last fall that included the improper granting of double-digit percentage pay raises for central office staff and disclosure that the community college presidents were b...

DC Shuttle: Loan Rate Bill on to WH; Workforce Reauthorization Trudges Ahead; Info From For-Profits Deemed Inconsistent

Student loan interest rate bill sent to president. On Wednesday, the House approved the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act (H.R. 1911) by a vote of 392 to 31. The Senate passed the legislation the previous week and the bill is headed to the president, who has endorsed the legislation, for approval. The bill would modify how interest rates on federal student loans are set, tying interest rates t...

NEBHE and Partners Unveil Green Guidance

NEBHE is a partner on a new report titled Green Revolving Funds: A Guide to Implementation & Management, which provides practical guidance for designing, implementing and growing a green revolving fund (GRF) at a college, university or other nonprofit institution. The newly expanded guide establishes best practices from interviews with presidents, facility managers, sustainability directors, ...

NEBHE Welcomes Another Compact to 45 Temple

The Massachusetts Campus Compact (MACC) relocated to 45 Temple Place in downtown Boston, the headquarters of NEBHE and the National Campus Compact network. MACC is a nonprofit coalition of college and university presidents committed to developing the civic skills of students, building partnerships with the community, and integrating civic engagement with teaching and research. MACC had been house...

DC Shuttle: Many Progressives Wary of Senate-Approved Loan Rate, GOP Ed Reforms

Senate approves student loan interest rate bill. On Wednesday, the Senate approved the Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act by a vote of 81 to 18. House leadership has promised swift approval of the legislation, with a vote in the House likely this week. The bipartisan proposal would tie interest rates on undergraduate subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans to the 10-year Treasury note plus 2...

NEBHE Co-organizes New England Campus Sustainability Forum

Wentworth Institute of Technology 550 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115 Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 8 a.m.  to 4:45 p.m.Early-bird registration will be available through Aug. 30. Please visit to learn more. The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) invites you to attend the 2013 New England Campus Sustainability Forum (NECSF) co-organized by AASHE, Clean Air-Cool Planet, ...

In Central Maine, a Rambling Rose?

The Colby College Museum of Art now has surpassed the Portland Art Museum as Maine's largest art museum, thanks to a new $15 million Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion that holds nearly 300 of the 500 works given to Colby by Peter and Paula Lunder. Peter Lunder is a Colby alumn and former president of Dexter Shoe Company, which was founded by his uncle Harold Alfond. Lunder and his wife's collection...

DC Shuttle: Loan Deal Reached, NCLB Weakened, E-Rate Boosted

Student loan deal reached. A bipartisan group of senators announced a compromise on the Stafford Loan interest rates. Senator Tom Harkin, chair of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee and Sens. Tom Carper (D-DE) Tom Coburn (R-OK), Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Angus King (I-ME) also participated in the announcement at the Capitol. According to reports, the White House also backs the measur...

State Budgets Slowly Recovering, Reports NEBHE as it Updates Figures on Higher Ed Finance

While some economists see the national economy poised to come back, state budgets and economies aren’t yet in the clear, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) and National Governors Association (NGA) 2013 Fiscal Survey of States. As it is, New Englanders pay just $179 per capita toward higher education, compared with $230 per capita nationally. The NASBO an...

Among Comings and Goings, Former UConn Diversity Chief Tapped as VP at Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) named Damon A. Williams to be its new senior vice president of program, training & youth development services. Williams joined BGCA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he served as vice provost and chief diversity officer, and on the faculty of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. He previously was chief diversity of...