Posts Categorized: Trends

DC Shuttle: PARCC, Pell, PISA … And That’s Just the P’s

Pell Grants subject of House hearing on Higher Ed Act. The House Education and the Workforce Committee's Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training held a hearing on Pell Grants as part of its series of hearings on the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. House Republicans expressed some doubts about recent expansions of the Pell Grant program, while Democrats vowed to defend ...

DC Shuttle: Testing, Testing and Testing

Study on frequent testing. According to a study released in the journal PLoS One, frequent testing improves overall performance in college students and reduces achievement gaps. University use of patents. The Brookings Institute released a study that explored the ways universities try to capitalize on research and patents. The study looked at schools that licensed their patents and at schools tha...

2014 Guide Features Key Info on New England Colleges

NEBHE announces publication of the 2014 Guide to New England Colleges and Universities, the third edition produced in association with Boston magazine. The Guide features listings for more than 250 colleges and universities throughout the six New England states, as well as tips on navigating the college applications process, an overview of financial aid options and information on NEBHE’s tu...

NEBHE Announces More Specialized Programs with Tuition Break

New England’s public colleges and universities continue to expand their program offerings under the New England Regional Student Program (RSP), which means more access for the region's residents to out-of-the-ordinary programs at reduced tuition. Students eligible under the RSP save an average of $7,000 on their annual tuition bills. For students interested in studying and improving the hum...

DC Shuttle: House and Senate Hearings Focus on Student Aid

House and Senate hearings on federal student aid. Both chambers of Congress discussed ways to restructure the federal government's student aid programs. The House Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing on federal student aid and on Thursday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on the same issue. Lawmakers discussed simplifying the administ...

The Disease is Poverty, says SVC President Gross on Educating “First-Gens”

Southern Vermont College President Karen Gross, a NEBHE delegate, wrote the following comment to National Journal's recent Next America forum on educating first-generation college students: Paying attention to improving the graduation rates among first-generation college students has gained fervor. We now appreciate the need to get vulnerable students to and through college if America is eve...

DC Shuttle: Among Capital Happenings, Sens Propose Bill to Discourage For-profit’s Predatory Marketing

Bill targets for-profit schools' funding. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced the Protecting Our Students and Taxpayers (POST) Act (S.1659), which would aim to make for-profit colleges and universities less reliant on federal funding. Under current law, the "90-10 rule" requires universities to get at least 10% of their funding from non-federal sources. The proposed bill would repla...

Northeastern U’s Bluestone to Speak on Boston’s Role in NE Economy

Northeastern University economist Barry Bluestone will discuss Boston’s Role in the regional economic network at the fall 2013 Outlook Conference of the New England Economic Partnership (NEEP) to be held Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Bluestone is Northeastern's Stearns Trustee Professor of Political Economy and founding director of the university's Kitty and...

DC Shuttle: There’s a Ranking for That

College value ranking lists on the rise. The New York Times reported that rankings of colleges' value, based on cost compared to returns, are increasing. Children's hospitals graduate medical education payment program. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved by voice vote legislation (S. 1557) that would reauthorize a program that provides federal money to suppo...

DC Shuttle: Amid Flurry of Ed Reports, Suggestion that College Net Prices Have Been Stable over Decade

College net prices stable, reports find. Last week, the College Board released reports on "Trends in College Pricing" and "Trends in Student Aid" which found that, even though the price of college has grown, the cost to students has remained stable for the past decade. The report shows that the net cost of tuition, fees, room and board for the average student at a private, nonprofit college is abo...