Posts Categorized: Newslink Topic

Debunking a Myth about Competency

NEBHE Senior Fellow Stafford Peat teamed up with Sarah Linet, a policy specialist with the Great Schools Partnership, to write a piece for the online collaborative CompetencyWorks titled Debunking a Myth–Competency-Based Transcripts Don’t Disadvantage High School Graduates in the Admissions Process. Peat and Linet note that a focus group of deans and directors of admission from the mo...

Data Connection: New England’s Patriots and More

From time to time we revive the collection of facts and figures called "Data Connection" that we had published quarterly for nearly 20 years in the print editions of The New England Journal of Higher Education (formerly Connection). The latest ... "Patriotic" rank of northern New England states measured by indicators such as share of enlisted military population, share of adults who voted in...

Tuition Comes Due

The affordability of public colleges and universities, whose primary mission is to serve state residents, is top-of-mind for students and parents, institutional leaders and state policymakers. NEBHE's 2016-17 tuition & fees report New England Fast Facts: The Price of Public Colleges in New England, 2016-17 shows that since fall 2011, tuition and required fees have risen 16% at community c...

Agency Split in NH Among Midsummer Transformations

Comings and Goings ... New Hampshire divided its Department of Resources and Economic Development into two new agencies. Gov. Chris Sununu nominated Taylor Caswell, who is currently executive director of the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority, to serve as commissioner of the new Department of Business and Economic Affairs, while Jeff Rose, the current commissioner of that age...

Moving On

Luczko Comings and Goings ... Kate Luczko announced she will step down as president and CEO of Stay Work Play New Hampshire, a nonprofit dedicated to retention and attraction of young talent in New Hampshire. Lawrence McHugh announced he will step down as chair of the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees after eight years. McHugh received a New England Higher Education Excellence Award i...

MA Elementary and Secondary Ed Board Appoints Acting Chief Following Death of Commissioner Mitchell Chester

Comings and Goings ... The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education appointed Deputy Commissioner Jeff Wulfson to be acting commissioner, following the death of Commissioner Mitchell Chester, who became commissioner in 2008 and was one of America's longest-serving education commissioners. Three Connecticut community college presidents will assume dual roles and receive temporary...

Former NEBHE Chair Cain to Lead EMILY’s List; Faustian Bargain at Harvard

Cain Comings and Goings ... Former NEBHE Chair Emily Cain was named executive director of EMILY’s List, which helps elect female Democratic candidates who support abortion rights. She succeeds Jess O’Connell, who is now CEO of the Democratic National Committee. Cain was elected to the Maine House in 2004 at age 24. In 2010, she became House minority leader. In 2012, she was ele...

Wyke to Head UMA; Larson to Leave Bentley in ’18; GE Chief Steps Down

Wyke Comings and Goings ... University of Maine System Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Rebecca Wyke was named the next president of the University of Maine at Augusta (UMA), succeeding James Conneely, who resigned in April after less than two years on the job. UMA has a statewide mission to serve nontraditional, adult and placebound learners. Bentley University President Gloria C...

Bridgewater State U Dean to Lead Modern Language Association

Krebs Comings and Goings ... Paula Krebs, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bridgewater State University, was named the next executive director of the Modern Language Association, succeeding Rosemary Feal, who announced plans to step down after 15 years in charge of the national organization. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker appointed banking executive and anti-Trump acti...

Dates to Save: Thinkers, Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Some dates to save … The New England Council’s Congressional Roundtable Series will feature talks by lawmakers and others in D.C. and New England, including U.S. Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) at the Providence Biltmore Hotel on Monday, June 12 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thomas College will host an entrepreneur speaker and networking event on Tuesday, June 13 at the Thomas College Auditoriu...