Posts Categorized: Newslink Topic

New Leader at Metco Program Linking City and Suburban Students

Arbaje-Thomas Comings and Goings ... Milagros “Milly” Arbaje-Thomas was named chief executive of Metco, the Massachusetts program that sends 3,300 mostly African-American and Latino students from Boston and Springfield into predominantly white suburban schools. Arbaje-Thomas, who spent 15 years managing neighborhood antipoverty programs for Action for Boston Community Development, ...

Aoun on “Humanics,” Lifelong Learning and Consensus vs. Innovation (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun spoke at last month's summit about the future of higher education in the age of artificial intelligence and the work of the Commission on Higher Education & Employability. Here, Aoun discusses a new curriculum he calls "humanics" ... And here on lifelong learni...


Isaak Comings and Goings ... Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) President Larry Isaak announced he'll retire as MHEC president, effective Nov. 16, 2018, after nearly 15 years as the compact’s president. Before joining MHEC, Isaak was the chancellor of the North Dakota University System for 10 years. Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy named Greenwich corporate attorney Thomas E. Kruger...

Experts Speak on Educating Workers for the Digital Economy (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... NEBHE’s Dec. 4, 2017 Summit included a session on "Educating Workers for the Digital Economy." Companies are looking for qualified applicants who have “digital” skills. The challenge for educators is to find ways to integrate the current digital skills needed into the curriculum while teaching stude...

Southern Cal’s Bensimon on Measuring Equity (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Estela Mara Bensimon, founder and director of the Center for Urban Education at the University of Southern California, spoke at the Dec. 4 Summit about the Commission on Higher Education & Employability's “Equity Imperative.” Here, Bensimon suggests a higher ed institutions have a performance gap in edu...

John King Jr. on Segregation (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Former U.S. Secretary of Education John King Jr., now president and CEO of The Education Trust, spoke at the Dec. 4 Summit about the Commission on Higher Education & Employability's “Equity Imperative.” Here, King notes how institutional forces exacerbate segregation ... and suggests that institutions s...

Elsa Núñez on Internships with Business … and for Equity (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Eastern Connecticut State University President Elsa Núñez led a session at the Dec. 4 Summit about the Commission on Higher Education & Employability's “Equity Imperative.” NEBHE aims to ensure that the Commission's workforce vision serves all New Englanders ... as a matter of social justi...

Radio Higher Ed Talks with Martha Kanter on College Promise

Through its partnership with, NEJHE presents a conversation with Martha Kanter, who is leading the College Promise Campaign's national initiative to increase college access, affordability, quality and completion.Kanter is the former U.S. undersecretary of education, where she had oversight responsibility for all federal postsecondary statutory, regulatory and administrative ...

Now Available: 2018 Guide to New England Colleges & Universities

NEBHE's 2018 Guide to New England Colleges & Universities lists key data for public and independent, degree-granting colleges and universities based in New England—such as admissions application deadlines and acceptance rates; faculty-student ratio; enrollment totals and breakdowns for part-time, commuting, female, international and minority students; cost of attendance; and degrees offered...

Studley Joins Accreditor; Brown’s Simmons Lands in Texas

Studley Comings and Goings ... Former U.S. Department of Education official and Skidmore College President Jamienne S. Studley was named president of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges' Senior College and University Commission, one of the seven U.S. regional accreditors. Studley has been featured several times in NEJHE, speaking about college rating systems and other initiatives to ...