Posts Tagged: policy and research

NEBHE Appoints New Senior Director of Policy and Research

The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) announces the appointment of Susan Lane as senior director of policy and research. Lane has more than 35 years of experience working across campuses, P-12 districts, businesses and government to strengthen the reach of education though collaboration around common goals. Most recently, as senior advisor to the commissioner for P-16 access and alig...

Higher Ed’s Economic Impact: People Power

Higher education institutions are major employers, purchasers of goods and services, managers of real estate, and attractors of external investment. In short, they are huge drivers of the New England economy. But research on how higher education contributes to regional economies is often narrowly focused or too technical; a broader conversation on attracting new resources and improving the product...


State Capital Notes ... Amid enrollment declines, state systems turn to new policies to fill seats and improve college completion Many state colleges and universities throughout the region are facing enrollment declines after a nationwide period of growth between 2006 and 2011 that saw overall enrollment increase by 3.2 million students. Among the reasons for this drop off is the improving econo...