NEBHE launched the first phase of its college-completion project, New England 2025.Supported with a Lumina Foundation grant and the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, NEBHE's Department of Policy and Research built a series of state-level "dashboards" and models that can examine college completion and various metrics with new levels of sophistication.These models allow decisi...
For more than half a century, NEBHE has been publishing tables and charts exploring "Trends & Indicators" in New England’s demography, high school performance and graduation, college enrollment, college graduation rates and degree production, higher education financing and university research.Our printed compendium richly juxtaposed 60-plus figures on state, regional, national and global...
Ways to build momentum for college completionAmong policymakers at the federal and state levels, as well as within the philanthropic community, there is an overdue awareness that the U.S. and its constituent states need a more highly educated citizenry and workforce. The country is already well behind several other countries in the proportion of its young adult population that has attained a colle...
NEBHE will present two webinars demonstrating new Student Flow Degree Attainment Projection Models that could help the states develop plans for increasing postsecondary attainment.The models created by the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) on behalf of NEBHE's New England 2025 project provide an important framework, conceptual model and statistical tool for ...