Posts Tagged: jobs

Conference on Immigrants as “Jet Fuel” for Jobs in Mass.

The Malden, Mass.-based Immigrant Learning Center Inc. (ILC) and Babson College will collaborate on a statewide conference for immigrant entrepreneurship to be hosted at Babson's Executive Conference Center in Wellesley, Mass. on Wednesday, Nov. 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.The ILC  says immigrants are "jet fuel" for entrepreneurship in Massachusetts, from neighborhood revitalization to increa...

College Labor Shortages in 2018?

The Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce has engaged in a highly publicized campaign claiming that the nation will face a very substantial deficit of college graduates by 2018 if the American postsecondary system fails to rapidly expand the number of college degrees it awards each year. Indeed, the employment projections developed by Anthony Carnevale and his colleagues at Georgetown U...

Now Hiring: Job Openings in Higher Education Soar

The higher education sector greatly outperformed the national economy's modest recovery during the first half of 2010, with job openings soaring by 36%, according to a new study by HigherEdJobs, a leading resource in academia-related employment.In 2008, higher education responded to the recession by relying more on part-time employees and focusing more recruitment on academic faculty instead of ad...