DC Shuttle: Washington Moves on Higher Ed Reauthorization, Common Core Assessments

Congress considers renewal of the Higher Education Act. Momentum is slowly building to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA) with college costs and student debt under bipartisan scrutiny. The most recent reauthorization of the HEA passed in 2008 and expires in 2014. On Thursday, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on reauthorization. It is the first of 12 hearin...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: Massachusetts

Passage of a budget for FY14 was complicated by action taken on a $1.9 billion transportation bill filed by Gov. Deval Patrick to fund transportation projects and increase funding for education. Lawmakers rejected Patrick’s $1.9 billion request for new taxes and sent back a bill with $500 million in new taxes including a 3-cent hike in the gas tax. Patrick subsequently vetoed the bill admoni...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: Maine

Maine lawmakers averted a government shutdown, overriding Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of the budget for FY14 and FY15. Both branches exceeded the required two-thirds vote, with the House voting 114–34 in support of the override, and the Senate voting 26-9 in support. While Democrats won the budget battle in rejecting LePage’s budget plan, they lost a number of battles including a mo...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: New Hampshire

Granite State lawmakers on June 26 approved a $10.7 billion two-year budget with bipartisan support. Members of the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, unanimously supported the budget, while more than 300 of the 400-member Democrat-controlled House approved the spending package. Bipartisan agreement on the two-year plan was bolstered by growth in March and April tax revenues, which gener...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: Rhode Island

Lawmakers passed a budget totaling $8.2 billion with no new fees or taxes and worked to address the state’s ailing business climate by providing structural changes and government reforms. Gov. Lincoln Chafee opposed the structural changes, but let the bill become law without his signature. The budget provides for: payment of $2.5 million related to the state-supported bonds of baseball st...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: Connecticut

The school shootings in Newtown dominated the beginning of the 2013 legislative session. Lawmakers passed a bipartisan gun violence prevention bill, the toughest in the nation. The legislation further restricts the use of assault weapons and imposes more background checks and restrictions on the sale of high-capacity magazine clips. In addition, both branches of the General Assembly adopted a free...

DC Shuttle: No Research Left Behind?

Common guidelines for education research and development. The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have formally released common guidelines for education research and development. The guidelines are intended to guide research investment decisions at IES, the U.S. Department of Education's main research agency, and NSF research in science, technology,...

NE’s 2013 Legislative Sessions: Vermont

NEJHE will report on new education-related laws and other legislative highlights from each New England statehouse, starting with Vermont ... On May 14, Vermont lawmakers wrapped up their session by passing a $5.2 billion budget for FY14. House and Senate proposals to changes in the income tax fell by the wayside as did proposed increases in taxes on bottled water, soft drinks, candy, dietary su...

Among Comings and Goings, Greene to Blow into Colby from Windy City

Colby College named University of Chicago Executive Vice President David Greene to be the 20th president of the 200-year-old private liberal arts college, effective July 1. He will succeed William Adams, who has been Colby's president since 2000. Greene previously served in planning roles at Brown University and Smith College. **** Manchester Community College appointed Sandra Palmer as the interi...

DC Shuttle: Congress Looks to Redraw PK-12, Higher Ed Laws

Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is due for reauthorization and proposals have been introduced in the House and Senate. (The last reauthorization of ESEA was the No Child Left Behind under President George W. Bush.) On July 19, the House passed the Student Success Act (H.R. 5). The bill would reduce the federal role in public education and c...