Comings and Goings …

Terry Hartle
Terry Hartle, senior vice president for government relations and public affairs at the American Council on Education (ACE) since 1993, announced he will retire at the end of this year. Before joining the higher education lobbying group, Hartle was a key aide to the late U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, which Kennedy chaired. Hartle has been a frequent advisor to NEBHE through the complexities of higher ed policymaking and, most recently, Covid policy. He has written or co-written several articles for NEJHE (and its predecessor Connection) including:
- Providing Transparency to the Title IX Process
- Ambitious Goal (Obama’s Higher Education Attainment Goal)
- Billing Cycle: How Will New England Fare Under New Federal Higher Education Legislation?
- Federal Triangle: Congress Focuses on Access, Affordability and Accountability
- Washington Gets into the Higher Education Act
- The Federal Student-Aid Dollar in New England
- Reviewing Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act

Sally M. Johnstone
Sally M. Johnstone announced she will retire as president of the national higher ed finance group NCHEMS as soon as a successor is in place. Johnstone joined NCHEMS six years ago after serving as vice president for academic advancement at Western Governors University (WGU). In the WGU post, Johnstone was a key speaker at NEBHE’s 2014 conference, The Case for Competency-Based Education: A New Age of Teaching and Learning? and NEBHE’s 2012 conference University Unbound! Higher Education in the Age of “Free.” She was also the founding director of the Western Collaborative for Educational Technologies (WCET), a subsidiary of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).