Comings and Goings …
Springfield Technical Community President Ira H. Rubenzahl announced he’d retire at the end of this academic year after 12 years as president.

Johnson & Wales University (JWU) appointed former Rhode Island Commissioner of Higher Education and South Dakota Board of Regents CEO Jack Warner to be a full-time associate professor in the Educational Leadership doctoral program. JWU also appointed: Joseph Staley, former president of the fundraising consulting firm StaleyRobeson, to vice chancellor for resource development; Billye Webb Auclair, former vice president for academic affairs at Anna Maria College, to associate provost; Louis D’Abrosca, founding dean of the JWU Graduate School, to dean of the School of Business; and Paul McVety, previously dean of academic program development, to dean of the School of Hospitality.
Alan P. Calandro left his post as director of the Connecticut Office of Fiscal Analysis to work as senior adviser and special projects coordinator for the University of Connecticut.
Dartmouth College reversed its decision to name ethnomusicologist and Eastern Delaware Nations President Susan Taffe Reed to be director of Dartmouth Native American Program after criticism from many Native American groups.
Scholarship America appointed USA Funds Senior Vice President for Philanthropy Robert C. Ballard as its new president & CEO.