Percentage of U.S. counties where more people died than were born in 2021: 73% University of New Hampshire Carsey School of Public Policy analysis of National Center for Health Statistics data
Number of additional births that would have occurred in the past 14 years had pre-Great Recession fertility rates continued: 8,600,000 University of New Hampshire Carsey School of Public Policy analysis of National Center for Health Statistics data
Percentage of Americans who told the Annenberg Science Knowledge survey in July 2022 that they have returned to their “normal, pre-Covid-19 life”: 41% Annenberg Public Policy Center
Percentage who said that in January 2022: 16% Annenberg Public Policy Center
Percentage of teenagers who reported that their post-high school graduation plans changed between the March 2020 start of the Covid-19 pandemic and March 2022: 36% EdChoice
Change during that period in percentage of teenagers who said they planned to enroll in a four-year college: -14% EdChoice
Ranks of “Self Discovery,” “Finances” and “Mental Health” among reasons for change in plans: 1st, 2nd, 3rd EdChoice
Percentage of college students who say they will pay their education expenses completely on their own: 67% Cengage
Percentage who say they have $250 or less left after paying for education costs each month: 46% Cengage
Ranks of “lower tuition,” “more affordable options for course materials” and “lowering on-campus costs, such as housing and meal plan costs” among actions students say their colleges could take to lower education costs: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Cengage
Percentage of Americans who graded their local public schools with an A or a B in 2019: 60% Education Next
Percentage who gave those grades in 2022 after two years of Covid-related disruption: 52% Education Next
Percentage of aircraft pilots and flight engineers who are women: 5% U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Percentage of aircraft pilots and flight engineers who are Black: 4% U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Percentage of aircraft pilots and flight engineers who are Asian: 2% U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Percentage of aircraft pilots and flight engineers who are Hispanic: 6% U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Approximate percentage increase in sworn personnel in New Hampshire State Police, from 2001 to 2020: 30% Concord Monitor
Percentage of New Hampshire State Police personnel who are white: 95% Concord Monitor reporting of N.H. Department of Safety data
Percentage of New Hampshire State Police personnel who are men: 91% Concord Monitor reporting of N.H. Department of Safety data
John O. Harney is executive editor of The New England Journal of Higher Education.
“The View from Andrew’s Room Collage Series #8″ by Montserrat College professor Timothy Harney.