Thanks to everyone who joined our All Learning Counts – Implementers’ Meeting webinar on Thursday, October 15, 2020.
Here is a video of the complete webinar:
Every year, millions of New Englanders gain college-level knowledge and skills outside of traditional learning environments – while on the job, in the military, or through workforce training programs. Most of that learning goes unrecognized and uncounted toward degrees or credentials of value. We believe colleges & universities should do more to ensure all learning counts, regardless of where it takes place.
According to a recent survey, 46% of people in our region have some college but no degree—and more than half of respondents said they would be more likely to consider college more of their existing learning could count towards a degree. Institutions, however, are not well-equipped recognize that learning and award course credit. By improving policy and practice related to learning recognition, we can create a more inclusive system that helps individuals advance their educational and career goals.
Current practices – including credit for prior learning (CPL) and prior learning assessment (PLA) – are expensive and difficult to navigate for students. They are often not well-advertised and many students are not aware of these options. Through our All Learning Counts work, NEBHE will work with institutions to promote more opportunities for students to earn college credit for what they already know.
The webinar featured three student panelists:
Lauren Hayden, University Of New England Master’s Candidate
Jesse Lauden, Master’s Candidate, Tufts University
Fred Mutsinzi, Duet Graduate, Southern New Hampshire University
…and these professional panelists:
Laurie Ficker, Assistant Director Of Advising And Prior Learning Assessment, University Of Maine At Augusta
Tim Lyon, Vice President for Analytics and Strategy, Maguire Associates
Pat Marshall, Deputy Commissioner For Academic Affairs And Student Success, Massachusetts Department Of Higher Education
Jason Pollock, Analyst, Maguire Associates
Yasmine Ziesler, Chief Academic Officer, Vermont State Colleges System
Charlotte Peyser, Senior Policy & Research Analyst, New England Board of Higher Education
Candace Williams, Director of Policy Research & Strategic Initiatives, New England Board of Higher Education