Posts Categorized: Newslink

Amid Protests, DeVos Outlines Intentions, Praises Community Colleges

DC Shuttle ... DeVos Outlines Policy Intentions. U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gave remarks to the Association of Community College Trustees' National Legislative Summit. During her remarks, DeVos praised the work of community colleges, calling them "essential engines of workforce and economic development." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education reports that she promised that community c...

House Starts Overturning Obama Regs, Targets Ed Dept as New Secretary Begins Work

DC Shuttle ... House Approves Bills to Limit Role of Ed Dept. and ESSA. Under the Congressional Review Act, the House voted to overturn to Obama administration regulations. The House passed two resolutions to end department regulations dealing with state assessments (H.J. Res. 57) and teacher-preparation programs (H.J. Res. 58). H.J. Res. 57, which passed 234-190, would nullify an Education Depar...

Falwell to Lead Trump Higher Ed Task force

DC Shuttle ... Jerry Falwell to Lead Higher Ed Task Force. Liberty University President Jerry Falwell has been asked by President Donald Trump to lead a task force that will identify changes that should be made to the U.S. Department of Education, the Chronicle of Higher Education reports. Falwell said he sees "overreaching regulation" as a target of his work. Trump Tweets about Federal Funding....

Kendrick, Wall to Retire from Community College Posts; Former U.S. Ed Secy King Named to Head Education Trust

Kendrick Comings and Goings ... Dorsey Kendrick announced she plans to retire June 30 as president of Gateway Community College, a post she has held since 1999. She boosted enrollment by 100% in her first eight years and presided over Gateway's consolidation of two campuses into a new $198 million, 3.7-acre central location in downtown New Haven in 2012. Charles Wall announced he will reti...

Number of New High School Grads in New England Projected to Decline 14% by 2032

By 2032, the number of new high school graduates in New England is projected to decline by 22,000 to a total 140,273, according to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s (WICHE) most recent Knocking at the College Door report. New England’s challenge with an aging population and falling birth rates has been well chronicled. With fresh projections and an ever-changing polit...

House Ed Committee Meets for First Time Under Foxx

DC Shuttle ... New House Education Committee Holds First Meeting. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce met for the first time in the 115th Congress under the new leadership of Chair Virginia Foxx (R-NC). Lawmakers voted on rules for the committee, and considered and adopted an "oversight and investigation" plan for the next two years. Republicans targeted the Every Student Succeeds ...

State Rep Who Homeschooled Children Named to Lead NH Education System

Comings and Goings ... New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu tapped one-term state Rep. Frank Edelblut, a Wilton businessman who homeschooled his seven children, to be the state's education commissioner. Partners In Health CEO Gary L. Gottlieb, M.D., was named chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. (NEJHE has featured Gottlieb's thoughts drawing parallels between healthcare and higher ed.) ...

Temporary Ed Secretary Begins Work

DC Shuttle ... Temporary U.S. Secretary of Education. Former U.S. Secretary of Education John King stepped down on Thursday, sending a letter of farewell that outlined his quick year of work at the department. Phil Rosenfelt, deputy general counsel at the Education Department's Office of the General Counsel, has been named acting education secretary until a new secretary is confirmed. He took the...

Radio Higher Ed Explores Student Unit Record System

Through its partnership with, NEJHE presents a podcast about the value and nuances of adopting a "student unit record" system. The podcast features an interview with Aimee Guidera, president & CEO of the Data Quality Campaign, and Mamie Voight, director of policy research at the Institute for Higher Education Policy. It is the third in a three-part series on student u...

A Forum for DeVos

DC Shuttle ... Confirmation Hearing for Betsy DeVos. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee planned to begin its confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos, the nomination for secretary of education on Jan. 17. The hearing was originally scheduled for the previouss week but was delayed over concerns that an ethics review had not been completed. Democrats criticized Republican leader...