Posts Categorized: Newslink

Bentley Taps National Biz Education Leader for Prez; Saint Mike’s Hires Its First Woman Chief

Davis-Blake Comings and Goings ... Bentley University appointed Alison Davis-Blake, the former dean of the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, to be its eighth president, succeeding Gloria Cordes Larson, who will step down in June 2018 after 11 years as president. Saint Michael's College named North Carolina's Sa...

Trump Says “The Word ‘Vocational’ Is A Much Better Word Than in Many Cases A Community College”

DC Shuttle ... Trump Talks About Community Colleges and Vocational Training. The Washington Postreports that President Trump had only one sentence relating to education in his State of the Union, and it was about vocational schools. Speaking at a GOP retreat after the address, he said, "We can open more vocational schools because we want every American to reach their full God-given potential." He...

HEA, Perkins Reauthorizations Moving Ahead; Recent DeVos Guidance on Sexual Assault Under Fire

DC Shuttle ... HEA Hearings in Senate. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA). The hearing focused on access and innovation in the higher education space. The committee heard testimony from Barbara Brittingham of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) as well as other experts. HELP ...

New Leader at Metco Program Linking City and Suburban Students

Arbaje-Thomas Comings and Goings ... Milagros “Milly” Arbaje-Thomas was named chief executive of Metco, the Massachusetts program that sends 3,300 mostly African-American and Latino students from Boston and Springfield into predominantly white suburban schools. Arbaje-Thomas, who spent 15 years managing neighborhood antipoverty programs for Action for Boston Community Development, ...

Aoun on “Humanics,” Lifelong Learning and Consensus vs. Innovation (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Northeastern University President Joseph E. Aoun spoke at last month's summit about the future of higher education in the age of artificial intelligence and the work of the Commission on Higher Education & Employability. Here, Aoun discusses a new curriculum he calls "humanics" ... And here on lifelong learni...

When an Intern Should be Paid

DC Shuttle ... Labor Dept Issues New Internship Guidance. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced changes to the way it defines interns. DOL issued an updated fact sheet on internship programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The "primary beneficiary" Fact Sheet lists seven factors for determining whether an intern is an employee and thus should be paid. That guidance is consistent ...

House Bill to Reauthorize Higher Ed Act Would Squeeze Traditional Colleges

DC Shuttle ... Response and Debate Follow Committee Passing of HEA Reauthorization. The House bill (H.R. 4508) to reauthorize the Higher Education Act would overhaul the federal student aid programs and eliminate some regulations on for-profit colleges, such as the 90/10 rule and gainful employment regulations. The bill takes some steps toward a unit-record system, Inside Higher Ed reports. It wo...


Isaak Comings and Goings ... Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) President Larry Isaak announced he'll retire as MHEC president, effective Nov. 16, 2018, after nearly 15 years as the compact’s president. Before joining MHEC, Isaak was the chancellor of the North Dakota University System for 10 years. Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy named Greenwich corporate attorney Thomas E. Kruger...

Experts Speak on Educating Workers for the Digital Economy (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... NEBHE’s Dec. 4, 2017 Summit included a session on "Educating Workers for the Digital Economy." Companies are looking for qualified applicants who have “digital” skills. The challenge for educators is to find ways to integrate the current digital skills needed into the curriculum while teaching stude...

Southern Cal’s Bensimon on Measuring Equity (Video)

Video snippets from NEBHE's Summit on Employability: A National Imperative ... Estela Mara Bensimon, founder and director of the Center for Urban Education at the University of Southern California, spoke at the Dec. 4 Summit about the Commission on Higher Education & Employability's “Equity Imperative.” Here, Bensimon suggests a higher ed institutions have a performance gap in edu...