Posts Tagged: New England Council (NEC)

Call Security! FAFSA Retrieval Was Shut Down for Breach, Not Maintenance

DC Shuttle ... FAFSA Data Breach. The U.S. Education Department announced that it has partially restored an online tool that automatically provides borrowers' income data when they repay their students loans through an income-driven repayment program. The IRS and Education Department suspended the tool in March. A grand jury indictment gave greater detail about why the Department of Education and...

Lifting Ban on Student-Level Records

DC Shuttle ... Senators Introduce Unit Record System Bill. U.S. Senators Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) introduced legislation that would change how schools report data and overturn the federal ban on a unit record system. The College Transparency Act (H.R. 2434) would transition to the collection of data on the individual student...

Is Return of Year-Round Pell Around the Corner?

DC Shuttle ... Year-Round Pell Included in Spending Bill. Lawmakers reported that they had struck a deal to fund the government through the rest of fiscal year 2017 and it is expected that Congress will vote on that bill this week to avoid a government shutdown on Friday. The deal reached Sunday includes year-round Pell Grants, lawmakers have confirmed. Through year-round Pell Grants, students ca...

Amid Rolling Back Regs, Some Props for Dual Enrollment, Special Ed

DC Shuttle ... Administration Rolls Back Regulations on Student Loan Defaults. The Trump administration reversed guidance from the Obama administration that forbade student loan debt collectors from charging high fees to defaulted borrowers. Loan guarantee agencies that collect on defaulted debt will now be permitted to charge borrowers who have defaulted on their federal student loans fees up to...

Trump and His Skinny Budget

DC Shuttle ... Trump's Budget Proposal. President Donald Trump released his FY 2018 federal budget blueprint or "skinny budget." Trump's budget proposal would cut $9.2 billion, or almost 14%, from the Education Department's budget. The proposal would downsize or eliminate a number of grants, including for teacher training, afterschool programs, and aid to low-income and minority college students...

House Weighing “Truly Devastating” Ed Cuts

DC Shuttle ... Hearing on Education Budget. The House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies held a hearing to discuss potential budget action. Subcommittee Chair Tom Cole (R-OK) said that $20 billion in cuts is expected to spending on labor, education and health programs. "There's no part of this budget that can escape unscath...

Amid Protests, DeVos Outlines Intentions, Praises Community Colleges

DC Shuttle ... DeVos Outlines Policy Intentions. U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gave remarks to the Association of Community College Trustees' National Legislative Summit. During her remarks, DeVos praised the work of community colleges, calling them "essential engines of workforce and economic development." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education reports that she promised that community c...

House Starts Overturning Obama Regs, Targets Ed Dept as New Secretary Begins Work

DC Shuttle ... House Approves Bills to Limit Role of Ed Dept. and ESSA. Under the Congressional Review Act, the House voted to overturn to Obama administration regulations. The House passed two resolutions to end department regulations dealing with state assessments (H.J. Res. 57) and teacher-preparation programs (H.J. Res. 58). H.J. Res. 57, which passed 234-190, would nullify an Education Depar...

House Ed Committee Meets for First Time Under Foxx

DC Shuttle ... New House Education Committee Holds First Meeting. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce met for the first time in the 115th Congress under the new leadership of Chair Virginia Foxx (R-NC). Lawmakers voted on rules for the committee, and considered and adopted an "oversight and investigation" plan for the next two years. Republicans targeted the Every Student Succeeds ...

Temporary Ed Secretary Begins Work

DC Shuttle ... Temporary U.S. Secretary of Education. Former U.S. Secretary of Education John King stepped down on Thursday, sending a letter of farewell that outlined his quick year of work at the department. Phil Rosenfelt, deputy general counsel at the Education Department's Office of the General Counsel, has been named acting education secretary until a new secretary is confirmed. He took the...