Search Results for: DC Shuttle

A New Scorecard

DC Shuttle … New Scorecard Site to Replace Ratings System. The White House unveiled a new and improved College Scorecard website, which is intended to replace the ratings system that… Read more »

ESEA Promoted

DC Shuttle … ESEA Passes House, Continues to be Considered in Senate.  The House passed the Student Success Act (H.R. 5), the rewrite of No Child Left Behind, by a… Read more »

No Score on Ratings

DC Shuttle … U.S. Education Department Announces Changes to Proposed Ratings System. The U.S. Education Department announced changes to the ratings system it plans to introduce this summer. In a… Read more »

Spotlight Cast on Accreditation

DC Shuttle … HELP Committee Holds College Accreditation Hearing. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act (HEA). Entitled, “Reauthorizing… Read more »