Comings and Goings …

Tom Katsouleas
University of Connecticut President Tom Katsouleas told the university’s trustees that he will step down as president, effective June 30, less than two years after taking the job. He plans to remain at UConn as a tenured faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The trustees said in an email to students and staff that an interim president will be named May 19.
American International College President Vince Maniaci announced he will retire at the end of the 2021-22 academic year. He has led the Springfield, Mass. college as president since 2005.
College Unbound tapped Emerson College Vice President for Equity and Social Justice Sylvia Spears to be vice president for administration and innovation as well as distinguished professor of educational equity and social justice at the Rhode Island degree-completion college for adults, centered on equity and community engagement that was cofounded by Dennis Littky. Spears, a previous tribal administrator with the Narragansett Tribe, was recently selected as one of the 50 Most Influential People of Color in Higher Education.
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) appointed Renee Byas as its new general counsel. Byas served as counsel at several Texas and Illinois campuses and was acting chancellor at Houston Community College.
Springfield College named western Massachusetts academic Rachel Rubinstein, recently a key advisor to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education’s Equity Agenda, to be dean of its School of Arts and Sciences, starting July 12. Rubinstein previously served at Hampshire College as professor of American Literature and Jewish Studies and at Holyoke Community College as its inaugural vice president of academic and student affairs.
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) President and CEO Eva A. Millona, who has led the largest organization representing the foreign-born in New England for more than 12 years, will join the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security next week as assistant secretary for partnership and engagement.
JFF, the national nonprofit in the education-workforce world, appointed startup pioneer and former 2U Inc. executive Rusty Greiff, to be its first chief strategy and growth officer.
Kirk Davis, an executive at GateHouse Media and its precursor company, Community Newspaper Co., was named the CEO of Metro Corp, the regional media company that publishes Boston magazine (as well as Philadelphia magazine). Boston magazine printed and distributed NEBHE’s longstanding Guide to New England Colleges & Universities for 2012 to 2018.