For nearly 20 years, the print editions of The New England Journal of Higher Education (and its predecessor Connection) published a quarterly collection of facts and figures called “Data Connection.”
It was a sort of ripoff of the underrated Harper‘s Index. The key was to cleverly juxtapose pieces of interesting data, with no expressed overarching context. The glue, in our case, was that the items focused on the range of issues that have made up NEBHE’s bailiwick, namely higher education, economic development, demography and quality of life—New Englandness if you will.
The web has added freedom to our ability to publish information more frequently and with more detail. But the clipped and connected nature of Data Connection still warrants a place, so here goes …
Number of registered users for U.S. Army’s recruiting game, America’s Army: 9,700,000 Frontline
Number of people in the real U.S. military, all branches, including reserves: 2,300,000 Wikipedia
Percentage of students whose score on the ASVAB: the Armed Forces Qualification Test between 2004 and 2009 made them ineligible to enlist in the Army: 23% Shut out of the Military, The Education Trust
Number of Peace Corps volunteers in Greater Boston: 212 Peace Corps
Rank of Greater Boston among metropolitan areas with the highest number of Peace Corps volunteers: 5 Peace Corps
Number of attorneys in the 200-member Massachusetts Legislature: 52 Boston Bar Association
Number before the 2010 election: 65 Boston Bar Association
Number of people below poverty rate who lived in New England suburbs in 2008: 675,000 The Brookings Institution
Number who lived in New England’s big cities: 330,000 The Brookings Institution
Percentage-point increase in probability of admission among applicants with a family connection or “legacy” at 30 highly selective colleges: 23 Harvard Graduate School of Education
Increase in probability if the connection was a parent: 45 Harvard Graduate School of Education