Comings and Goings …

Sandra J. Doran
NEBHE’s Sandra J. Doran, who in January 2014 became the first director of the New England State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), was named interim president of Salem Academy and College, while the private women’s school in Winston-Salem, N.C., seeks a new permanent leader. At Salem, Doran replaces Lorraine Sterritt, who in January was named president of Saint Michael’s College in Vermont.
Tufts University Provost and Senior Vice President David R. Harris, a sociologist whose work has focused on race and ethnicity and social stratification, was named the 19th president of Union College in New York.
Smith College Provost and Dean of Faculty Katherine A. Rowe, a leader in digital innovation of the liberal arts, was named the 28th president and first woman president of the College of William & Mary.
Sonya Stephens, the acting president of Mount Holyoke College since July 2016, was named the college’s 19th president, effective July 1.
Rhode Island College Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Joshua Hamilton began as the new provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of New England.