DC Shuttle …

House Appropriators Draft $28.5 Billion Boost for Labor-HHS-Education. U.S. House appropriators released a draft fiscal year 2023 Labor-HHS-Education spending bill that would allocate $242.1 billion in discretionary funding. Specifically, the draft House bill text would allot for:
- $86.7 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Education, which would be a $10.3 billion increase from the fiscal 2022 enacted level;
- $4 billion for higher education programs, which would be an increase of $968 million;
- a $500 Pell Grant increase to a maximum of $7,395; and
- an increase of $59 million to the overall $24.6 billion student financial assistance program.
House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) stated that “with this funding, House Democrats are ensuring the American people, our workforce, public health infrastructure and education system are equipped with the resources needed to allow our communities to thrive.” Additional information on the draft bill text can be found here.
We publish the DC Shuttle each week Congress is in session featuring higher ed news from Washington collected by the New England Council, of which NEBHE is a member. This edition is drawn from the Higher Education Update in the Council’s Weekly Washington Report of June 27, 2022. For more information, please visit: www.newenglandcouncil.com.