Posts Categorized: DC Shuttle

Ombudsman Leaves Bureau He Says Protected Financial Companies, not Students

DC Shuttle ... Student Loan Ombudsman Resigns Over Policy Differences. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Student Loan Ombudsman Seth Frotman resigned, citing political differences at the agency under Acting Director Mick Mulvaney. In a resignation letter addressed to Mulvaney, Frotman said his resignation was effective Sept. 1, adding "Unfortunately, under your leadership, the Bureau h...

U.S. Senate Passes its Bill to Fund Ed; Accreditor Places NE Colleges on Probation

DC Shuttle ... Senate Passes Education Funding. The U.S. Senate voted 85 to 7 to pass an $857 billion spending package to fund two-thirds of government operations. The legislation (H.R. 6157) would boost funding for the Education Department by $541 million to $71.4 billion, while rejecting many of the education cuts sought by President Donald Trump. The Senate adopted a manager's amendment, b...

Paying Pentagon to Rob Pell?

DC Shuttle ... U.S. Senate Debates Education Appropriations with Focus on Pell Funds. The Senate began debate on an $857 billion spending bill for the departments of Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, as well as Education and other agencies. It is the first time education appropriations had been debated on the Senate floor since 2007 and the amendment process is expected to be tedious...

Trump Executive Order Encourages Workforce Development

DC Shuttle ... Companies Pledge Apprenticeships at White House Event. The White House announced a new "Pledge to America's Workers" initiative to design an apprenticeship strategy and encourage companies to pledge to participate. The president signed an executive order to establish the National Council for the American Worker. Comprising senior administration officials, the council is charged wit...

Going to Fund Like It’s 2019, Plus Retreat on Race in Admissions and Beefing Up School Safety

DC Shuttle ... House Appropriations Committee Passes 2019 Education Funding Bill. The House Appropriations Committee approved, 30 to 22, a $177.1 billion bill to fund the departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services for fiscal 2019. The spending bill would provide a $43 million increase for the Education Department, funding it at $71 billion in fiscal 2019, which begins Oct. 1. ...

Feds, States Grappling with Career and Tech Ed

DC Shuttle ... Congress Advancing Perkins CTE Reauthorization. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee marked up a bill to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. A bipartisan agreement has been reached to update the law. The legislation directs how the federal government spends about $1 billion each year on career and technical education (CTE...

Another Government Reinvention, Starting with Merger of Education and Labor Departments?

DC Shuttle ... President Proposes Government Reorganization. President Donald Trump proposed a full-scale government reorganization, titled "Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century: Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations." The plans call to "merge the Departments of Education and Labor into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of Education and the Workforce." Because many o...

Bill Would Bar States from Suspending Licenses Over Unpaid Student Loans

DC Shuttle ... Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Drivers Licenses in Student Loan Default. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced a bill, the Protecting JOBs Act, that would prevent states from suspending residents' driver's and professional licenses over unpaid federal student loans, the Boston Globe reports. Warren provided a summary of the legislation. App...

Collecting Data

DC Shuttle ... Support for Data Collection Bill Grows. The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities gave support to legislation it had previously opposed, potentially paving the way for a change in data collection and student records. A bipartisan group of senators and representatives has introduced the Student Right to Know Before You Go Act, (S. 2169) and (H.R. 4479), which...

DeVos on ICE

DC Shuttle ... DeVos Comments on Undocumented Students Highlights House Hearing. The House Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing on the U.S. Department of Education and heard testimony from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The Education Department had to clarify controversial remarks DeVos made about undocumented students. DeVos said that it is up to individual schools to decide...