Meet NEBHE’s Newest Directors

NEJHE Executive Editor John O. Harney interviewed NEBHE’s new director team of Jared Abdirkin, Director, State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA); Jonathan Gowin, Director, Tuition Break (Regional Student Program); Michelle Pelletier, Director of Finance and Administration and Katie Singer, Director of Policy & Research, on August 17, 2022 via Zoom.

Lawrence Schall

We’re pleased to feature this Q&A with Lawrence Schall, the president of the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE).

NECHE is the regional accrediting body for more than 200 institutions of higher education in the six New England states and 12 American-style institutions in other countries.

Schall spoke with NEBHE President and CEO Michael K. Thomas and NEJHE Executive Editor John O. Harney on Thursday, April 7, 2022, via Zoom about challenges facing the region and its chief accrediting body.

Peter Smith

In October, NEJHE was pleased to publish an adaptation of the introduction to Peter Smith’s new book Stories from the Educational Underground: The New Frontier for Learning and Work (Kendall Hunt, August 2021).

NEJHE Executive Editor John O. Harney recently interviewed the author and Orkand Chair and professor of innovative practices at the University of Maryland University College for more insights.

Richard Haass

We’re pleased to feature this Q&A with Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass on key issues in foreign affairs, globalization, higher education and his latest book, The World: A Brief Introduction.

Haass spoke with NEBHE President and CEO Michael K. Thomas and NEJHE Executive Editor John O. Harney on Monday, July 28, 2021, via Zoom.

The full interview is below. Click here for excerpts from the wide-ranging interview.