BU Hires Scholar to Launch Antiracist Research Center; NECHE Names Successor to Brittingham

By John O. Harney

Comings and Goings …

Ibram X. Kendi to launch BU Center for Antiracist Research (Photo by Stephen Voss)

Boston University announced that American University professor of history and of international relations and author Ibram X. Kendi will join BU’s faculty and launch the BU Center for Antiracist Research.

The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) named Lawrence M. Schall, president of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, to be the new president of the regional accrediting organization, effective July 20. He will succeed Barbara Brittingham, who is retiring. NECHE, formerly the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of NEASC, is the regional accrediting body for 222 institutions of higher education in New England and 11 American-style institutions in other countries.

Berkshire Community College appointed Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Adam Klepetar as interim provost, succeeding Vice President of Academic Affairs Jennifer Berne, who was appointed provost at Michigan’s Oakland Community College. Among other new appointments, Jay Baver was hired as director of workforce development-hospitality and Paul Mattingly as director of workforce development–advanced manufacturing in Berkshire’s Division of Business and Outreach.

The Council for Higher Education Accreditation elected Cynthia Jackson-Hammond as its new president, succeeding Judith Eaton, the group’s founding president. Jackson-Hammond is retiring as head of Central State University in Ohio, a historically black university, where she became the first female president in 2012.

The Massachusetts Medical Society, in its first-ever virtual annual meeting, named Massachusetts General Hospital radiologist Dr. David Rosman to be the youngest president in the society’s 239-year history.


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