Comings and Goings …
Sterling College named Maxine Kelly, formerly finance & human resources director at Vermont Studio Center, to be Sterling’s dean of finance & operations.
Michelle Elias Bloomer, formerly of the division of professional studies at Bunker Hill Community College, became associate dean for undergraduate programs at Boston College’s Woods College of Advancing Studies.
Bay Path University named three new trustees to three-year terms: Pia Sareen Kumar, co-owner and chief strategy officer of Universal Plastics Group; Rodger K. Metzger, president and chief investment officer of Hooker & Holcombe; and Jeanette Weldon, managing director of Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority.
Endicott College named three new trustees: John MacNeil, the managing director of Greenfield Production Services; Mike Sheehan, managing partner at Allied Sports; and Sheila Walsh of GitLab.